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Caroline Barnes RSLI

BA (Hons) Bsl/English Interpreting.
PG Dip BSL /English interpreting.



Terms and Conditions

Cancellation Charges. 

If more than 10 working days notice is given then cancellation fees will not be incurred. If notice is between 6-10 working days then a 50% fee will be incurred and if 5 or less working days then the full agreed fee will be incurred.


Payment is to reach me by cheque or directly into my account by BACS within 1 calendar month. Interest may be added for late payment together with an administrative charge for pursuing payment.

If the assignment is cancelled, I acknowledge the right for you to transfer me to another assignment, providing it does not hinder my ability to travel from/to a previous/subsequent assignment and get there on time. If the replacement booking is shorter in duration than the original booking, the original fee will be incurred. If the replacement booking is longer in duration a new fee may be negotiated.

For assignments where it is easy to determine that there are no Deaf persons requiring my services, whilst I am happy to remain at the venue until my contracted time has ended, I reserve the right to not provide an interpreting service unless it has been agreed beforehand. Depending on the situation I may be willing to provide an interpreting service for a certain period regardless of need.

Should a co-worker who has been scheduled to undertake the assignment alongside me not be able to attend then I may be willing to continue alone depending on the nature of the job and the duration. A higher fee will be charged to compensate for working alone.

Should I have to withdraw from the assignment; every effort will be made by myself to find a replacement interpreter.

For assignments where preparation is needed, I reserve the right to withdraw from the assignment should the unavailability of the resources required to prepare adequately render me unable to continue with the job and provide a competent service.

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